Thank you God. For what happened it a sign I wonder?
I was kinda nervous...but I guess things turned out better than I had imagined.
So...whats the next step I wonder...haha we'll see how it goes then...people please pray for me.
reached out for stars at 7:08 PM
io sono prigioniera.
I am a captive.
A friend of mine told fall as many times as possible.
In as many ways as possible
That way...
We'll learn more ways of picking ourselves up.
And learn how not to fall.
should I fall?
reached out for stars at 8:02 AM
Hello there wild wild world.
Well. I feel slightly at peace now. I think.
Remember that song..from a distance? Yeah, I believe God is watching all of us from a distance. (Ha doesnt say if its close or near :P)
But in anycase..somtimes its hard to feel Him I think.
I need more faith. The 9 day novena boost seems to be wearing off haha.
Maybe its courage I seek. Maybe its shelter. Maybe its assurance... I dont know...
In anycase I must let you all know, Peach Gardens spare ribs are damn tasty.
reached out for stars at 9:38 PM
Yay new car! XD
Yeah basically I sorta have the 'freedom' to move around much more now.
Do I?
I guess...
Of course my heinious parking skills might be a problem. ha..
Still living on hope here...
reached out for stars at 10:11 AM